• Grain Free Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Grain Free Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies

    These healthy cookies are just what you need when you want something sweet, but don’t want the extra calories! Dang, these are SO GOOD! One of my kids’ favorites! This recipe is for all the SNACKERS out there…..y’all are just like ME! I love snacking…..I could probably live my life eating charcuterie about 99% of the time, ha! However, in order to maintain a healthy diet, you need to make your own snacks! The less processed foods you have in your diet, the better off you will be! I absolutely love chocolate chip cookies, but I wanted to create a cookie that was conducive to my clean eating-ish lifestyle! This…

  • Protein Trail Mix
    Clean Eating,  Snacks

    Protein Trail Mix

    The only way to have HEALTHY trail mix…..is to make it yourself! Store-bought trail mix is loaded with an excess of unnecessary sodium. Making it yourself gives YOU control of what you put into your body…..plus, it is just as TASTY! We leave for Ocean Isle in just a few days and I wanted to make a healthy and nutritious snack that I can throw in my beach bag…..I also wanted to make a snack that has a long shelf life! Trail mix! The perfect solution! My Husband always requests that I buy the Walmart Brand Deluxe Mixed Nuts when he goes surfing, BUT that mix has so much sodium….which…

  • Soft Pretzels With Flaked Himalayan Pink Salt
    Recipes For Kids,  Snacks

    Soft Pretzels With Flaked Himalayan Pink Salt

    This is a kids activity MADE for ALL AGES! Getting little ones in the kitchen; working with their hands…..INVOLVED! We make these several times during the Spring and Summer months! There is nothing better than a warm and HOT soft pretzel fresh out of the oven! That incentive alone, I believe, is why my kids always jump to the task when it is time for a kids activity such as this! Kade and Indy have always been soft pretzel fans…..baseball game; soft pretzel…..football game; soft pretzel…..Disney World; soft pretzel! YET…..those pretzels will never live up to the magic we bake in our oven right here at home. This recipe is…