• Pecan And Grape Rotisserie Chicken Salad
    Appetizers,  Chicken and Turkey,  Salad Dressings and Salads

    Pecan And Grape Rotisserie Chicken Salad

    About 10 times a year, I will get a craving for chicken salad…..and not just any type of chicken salad….the chicken must be Rotisserie and doused in not just any type of mayonnaise….it has to be DUKE’s! I know at first thought, chicken salad wouldn’t cross your mind as a dish worth craving….but my recipe will instantly change your palate and mind…..no doubt about it! The rotisserie chicken adds a ton of flavor already to the salad; especially when including the tasty chicken skin! Now, I do add onion to my chicken salad…..but I advise that you literally mince the onion as small as you can….almost creating a paste…..you want…

  • Salad Dressings and Salads

    Broccoli Pineapple Salad

    The perfect combination of flavors that produce a delicately sweet and salty side dish to accompany any meal! Pineapple is and has always been one of my favorite fruits of ALL TIME! It is so versatile as an ingredient and can pretty much be cooked with a wide range of foods…..yes, I am a “pineapple-on-my-pizza” kind of girl! This salad is a wonderful hybrid (trybrid? 🤷‍♀️) of broccoli salad, grape salad and pineapple salad. I love all three salads…..so, I said to myself…..”why not? I’ll just throw them all together and see what happens!” Y’all…..it is magical…..dang magical! Salty, sweet, crunchy and refreshing…..PERFECTION! Pictured below are the ingredients you will…

  • Salad Dressings and Salads

    Mediterranean Couscous Salad

    A beautiful and vibrant salad that can be enjoyed for up to one week; full of flavorful freshness! I absolutely LOVE couscous! I think the texture of food often runs in tandem with taste! If texture is bad in a dish, then it may be off-putting and contaminate your taste. Couscous has texture that just feels…..comforting! Like rice, couscous is versatile and will easily absorb any flavor pairing you would like it to accompany. This recipe is perfect for cookouts and gatherings; making a refreshing addition to any table. Pictured below are the ingredients you will need to create my Mediterranean Couscous Salad. To make the couscous, bring 1 cup…