rewardStyle and are now LTK - What The Heck Are You Talking About?
Influencer,  Life,  Social Media

rewardStyle and are now LTK – What The Heck Are You Talking About?

I have been working with LTK since September of last year…, about 4ish months. When I started, the naive me thought (assumed) everyone knew what LTK was and surely would understand that this is one avenue I utilize to create revenue for myself……silly me! The Influencer and Content Creator world is VAST and the majority of users on Social Media do not see what goes on in the back end of things (behind the curtains, if you will). The internet, technology and Social Media are NOT going anywhere… fact, this sect will only keep growing as time goes on. Millions of businesses and companies are aware of this…..but… are the Influencers and Content Creators of Social Media Platforms. Influencers have the ability to connect with the “people” veins and tributaries of the world…..meaning they are able to reach farther, deeper, into target markets that the mainstream big businesses (the “Aorta”) fail to reach. Influencers are relatable to the average user (well, most of them….some are a bit off their rocker….you didn’t hear it from me). If you are your authentic self as an influencer and emit relatability, then you can find success monetizing your “brand” and platform; resulting in revenue and a source of income…..but how? LTK is one outlet and here is why…..

LTK is the ultimate shopping App and platform for discovering products across fashion, beauty, home, lifestyle and more — all styled by Content Creators you love. A brand built on Creator innovation, LTK is driving more than $2.9 Billion in annual brand sales by uniting Brands, Creators and Shoppers through the power of distributed original content. To be an LTK Creator, you must first apply and be accepted…..they are very picky (in a good way) and will only accept Creators that have a public social media profile, a significant and engaged social media following on at least one social platform, as well as high-quality, shoppable content that is posted regularly. Once you have curated a highly engaged social media profile as an Influencer and have been approved as an LTK Creator, you can begin earning. LTK Creators earn commissions from sold products…..Brands compensate a Creator when their followers use their links to purchase their recommended, vetted products — this is where LTK comes into play! LTK will provide you with the tools to create links to your favorite products to share with your audiences across any platform including the LTK App, where millions of app users can shop your content. SO, when you see an influencer provide a link on any platform (Instagram post, story, direct message, etc.), 99.9% of the time they will be earning viable commission for themselves. Yes, it is true…..”Influencer/Content Creator” is a real job…..and can be overwhelmingly successful as you grow your following ONLY IF you are being authentically you! As a person with AD/HD, I find this most gratifying…..I am an entrepreneur (shocking) and I set the rules for my success…..I heard this quote recently from a badass Netflix Series:

“When you have value, you have control. I know my worth and I refuse to let anyone tell me how to use it.”

Mary; The Warrior Nun

Love that dang quote! I also love all of you! Without your continued support, I wouldn’t be where I am today as an Influencer, Blogger and Content Creator! I enjoy SO MUCH connecting with all of you and sharing what we love most from my family to yours. Thank you for seeing this adventure through with me and I look forward to the many more amazing human beings I will meet along the way! Follow me on the LTK App and Instagram!


Kendall Raye

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